Category: M2M industry news

Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Bluetooth Low Energy

Bluetooth Low Energy is a low power air interface technology defined by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (BT SIG) The standard Bluetooth radio has been widely implemented and available in mobile phones, notebook computers, audio headsets and many other devices. The low power version of Bluetooth is a new specification and enables the use of […]

Will Google’s 6LoWPAN marry Microsoft’s human antenna?

When will this big wedding come true? Microsoft showed that electromagnetic noise can be used to identify the position of a person in a room, what the person is doing, and even where a hand is placed on a wall. Microsoft’s vision is dimming the light. First applications could be game controllers. More about this […]

Bluetooth Low Energy – temperature – demo design

Temperature Demo design on  Bluetooth Low Energy Functionality of Bluetooth Low Energy design Measures and transmits temperature to a peer device CR2032 coin cell battery Years of battery life Disconnected model < 15 mA peak < 200 μA advertise mode average 0.5 μA Idle mode I have seen it live and made videos on Bluetooth […]

Are you aware that IPv6 day is today? 6LoWPAN is riding on IPv6 too.

What’s actually going to happen? Who are these IPV6 users? And what could possibly go wrong? Connected planet gives answers to the five following questions: So what is actually going to happen tomorrow? Who are the IPV6 users? What could possibly go wrong? How should service providers respond to customer problems? What happens after World […]

Google´s Open Source radio protocol on 6LoWPAN at a glance

Features of Googles Radio protocol 868 / 915 MHz instead of 2400 MHz Frequency hopping instead of Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum like 802.15.4 Licence free 6LoWPAN instead of ZigBee Open source instead of proprietary Advantage of Google´s Radio protocol Better coverage in buildings End-to-end security if they use IPsec Proven standard IPv6 plus 6LoWPAN No […]

Where to produce 1.000 to 100.000 M2M antennas?

M2M antennas by laser on plastic I am just back from Hannover Industrial fair. One of the companies I visited offers the production of M2M antennas or other antennas by using of laser on plastic. The company has developers in Switzerland. Their machines are producing millions of  mobile phone antennas in China. The unbelievable is […]

Invitation to Bluetooth Low Energy user seminar in Berlin – 19.05.2011

Usually I write in English at this web-blog. The test as below is in German language however, as the lecturers at this “Bluetooth Low Energy Seminar” will speak in German on this day. My topic will be: Smart Home by Smart Phone – Bluetooth Low Energy product family µBlue and alternatives I cordially invite you […]