Category: Wireless M2M app examples

M2M applications based on wireless modules.

The journey to develop the Gillette order button

© Harald Naumann - Currently only available in Austria, Gillette offers its customers the capability to order new razor blades at the touch of a button.

In 2016, a creative team in Frankfurt had the idea of developing an IoT push button for ordering goods via a cellular module. In principle, something similar to the Amazon Dash button, only using a GSM radio instead of Wi-Fi. A first, and a tricky learning curve for the engineering team. The developers in the […]

How to build the 50 billion IoT devices? What to do instead of talking?

IoT devices with customised antennas

1. IoT buttons In my region, two IoT buttons caused a buzz and landed in the basket of end customers. One is the Amazon Dash button and the other one is the Gillette order button called Gillette Club Station. LoRaWAN and SIGFOX had no chance as carriers because of the lack of deep indoor coverage […]

M-Bus Master Unit GSS-134 – One more device to reach the goal of 50 billion IoT devices

M-Bus master unit

Some people talk about IoT. My customer do IoT. In this case, it is an IoT device in metering again. The M-Bus Master Unit GSS-134 of Pikkerton is on Quectel GSM module M66 and got a replaceable battery pack. It can run easily without longer installation effort. M-Bus master interfaces: M-Bus Master Unit, 20 Standard […]

When pigeons tweet – birds in IoT

Pigeons wearing wireless pollution-monitoring devices will report back via Twitter

Pigeons don’t tweet, they make cooing noises. They don’t wear backpacks either. Usually. Well, say hello to the new breed of backpack wearing, tweeting pigeons that might just save lives.   If you live in a city there’s a good chance you’ll be sharing it most days with a large number of pigeons. And generally […]

Wi-Fi module – five minute set up

This Wi-Fi module arrived yesterday.  The complete package includes the Wi-Fi module,  a USB connector and a Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) to USB converter. The operating voltage is supplied via USB from the PC. After plugging the module into the USB port, a standard terminal software application was started on the PC. With the first […]