IoT: Communication problems in your fridge!

“Does the smart fridge receive the milk carton chip’s message? If it does then how does fridge know what it is? There’s an Internet of Things protocol, of course, that the clever fridge and milk carton are compliant with. The home food shopper’s tablet or smartphone is also compliant with a domestic Internet of Things foodstuffs and devices protocol and responds to the alert it gets.”

For email we have already a complaint protocol which sometimes gives us not the result we want. The email you sent to me will look on my screen maybe different. What will happen if we put three different kinds of milk cartons in your fridge? Will the Chinese fridge delivered to US be able to communicate with a German milk carton? Will the German milk carton be able to share recipes with the American milk carton? Which language will the three machines use? Will Apple after HomeKit next launch the FridgeKit ? Will the whole world use only Apple devices and each milk carton will contain a Made for iOS chip?
Please help me with an answer by comment or email to harald.naumann ( at) gsm – modem. de

Updated: 2014-07-16 — 10:13 PM


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  1. Maybe they can use the standard UPC/Barcodes that exist on every product in your fridge.
    The upc code that is scanned at the grocery store is unique to that product and the grocery stores download the upc database from GS1 in their countries.
    Take a look at Germany’s GS1 site for more info:

  2. We have a communcation problem again. The GS1 website is not available in English or Chinese language. If barcode, then QR code because this code offers more features and is international.

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