Tag: Bluetooth LE

BuddyGuard camera: A brilliant idea with a tragic end

In 2015, the startup BuddyGuard launched a campaign on Kickstarter. The product was the Flare security camera. Faces and suspicious noises were to be recognised locally on the camera. The homeowner was proactively warned of intruders. A revolutionary approach: AI-based face and audio recognition: The camera differed from the competition in that it processed video […]

Wow, 3.2 dBi  gain and 79 % antenna efficiency – a mega-great antenna, or is it?

Wifi BLE Bluetooth PCB antenna with cable

Do you use antennas in your products? Do you compare data sheets? Do you have problems comparing? Are the antennas in your device not compliant with the data sheet? Are there problems with radio certification? Then I will be glad to help you, starting with the analysis of the data sheets all the way up […]

Low cost BLE-GPRS-GPS-gateway


Are we able to make a mint of money with such a low-cost BLE-GPRS-GPS-gateway? If yes then it makes sense to follow a train of thoughts listed in my IoT M2M Cookbook. Everybody can make such a gateway real for less than USD 15. In my IoT M2M Cookbook – excerpt here: http://www.gsm-modem.de/M2M/m2m_iot_cookbook I explained […]

Is it possible to use iBeacons / BLE beacons for triangulation or BLE indoor localisation?

Please find another close the same messages or questions on BLE indoor localisation to me as below. I get the question again and again at least once a month. It is time for a block post on this topic. What is the recommended way to implement BLE beacons to perform indoor localisation? What is the […]

Feedback from the IoT Meetup in Munich

Antennas – The key for success in your IoT / M2M application

The topic on this evening was “Wireless Technologies for IoT – Antennas and Beacons”. http://www.meetup.com/IoTMunich/events/219391820/?_af_eid=219391820&_af=event&a=uc1_te Thanks to all participants. If I am informed right then 75 out of 148 people with interest in IoT stayed and listened on this evening. Thank you for all the interesting meetings during the event. Nevertheless, I already got several […]